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(1) Message From Norman l Dream Manifestation

Product Name: (1) Message From Norman l Dream Manifestation


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(1) Message From Norman l Dream Manifestation is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


The Life You Yearn For Starts Right Here….

Start Manifest Wealth At A Blink Of An EYE!

​Hi My Fellow Dream Chaser,

You might be surprised to receive this but all I could tell you now is that you have a special aura in you that you had never know and it brought you right here.

The aura has a special bond with The Universe up there which is why you could reach this page.

Here is a short message for you from The Universe and I hope you will stay and listen to it.

By the end of the message you will be able to receive some sacred answers.

I admire you for that because not everyone is willing to step out of their comfort zone, not everyone has the courage to change their life, everyone is different and I sense that there is a powerful attraction in you that has awaken, which makes you want to change.

I know your journey has not been easy and it must have been a struggle to overcome your biggest frustration and those persistent problems which only you could understand.

I truly empathise , it is never easy to get in to the world of manifestation. There are too many different versions and directives to follow and the more we know about it the more lost we are.               

All you are looking for is the opportunities to live your ideal life.

A life that you can achieve all your goals.

A life that you can aspire all your dreams.All you desire is to attract and get what you wanted.Be someone who could always give a helping hand to others.To spoil yourself and your love ones anything that request.

But for now, no matter how hard you try it’s always seems like a boomerang.

It kept coming back to you again and again.

I feel you and I totally understand how tough it can be on you.

You have been through a lot, but take a peep look-back, you have made it through this far therefore you must not give up.

What if I tell you that there is a customised programme that will be able to cater to all ages and income level. 

A programme that does not discriminate against anyone and I promise you it will work in your favor.

What I am about to share with you is a secret that will give you a little push to get your heart desires all over again.

​The universe is full of abundance.

It is your right to claim all these as a child of the universe. It simply means that you are entitled to have the abundance.

Since that you are here today, you will be able to receive the first abundance into your life!

​And with that said, you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort on your part because everyone or anyone, can easily tap into this field of wealth and abundance without any effort especially with the help of spiritual guidance. 

​You will be able to manifest whatever you desire so much faster than you think!

Well, before we move on, have you notice the slight changes that is happening around you right now? Your surrounding atmosphere had already changed without you noticing it.

This slight changes around your surrounding that you have not notice yet, is happening right now is honestly because your aura is starting to welcome and absorb the goodness from The Universe without you knowing!

Believe it or not, this is exactly what you have been chasing for and I so happy for you

To simplify, you are actually starting to gain more opportunity than others and you may start to feel experience the different level of abundance that you deserve to have.

Here is a short story about me and my humble life that I would like you to know about.

I was just an ordinary guy with a big family.

I have been working at an average job for years and it was barely enough for me to support my lovely wife, Sandra, and my three children, Natasha, Kimmy, Lesley and with the fourth child, Allie on the way.

We were a really happy family and they have always been my biggest motivation and honestly, I hated my job because I have been working so hard with not much progression and I could only spend Sundays with my family.

I had to look after the new employees and be in-charge of their training and at times I would always end work later than expected.

I have always been a very family oriented person and Sundays are reserve for my wife and kids but it was never enough. Kids are growing up faster than anyone can imagine, I knew that if I were to carry on with this work life, I would simply miss out all my kids’ milestones.

As you all know, it is taking a toll on me to balance work with personal life. To me working hard and providing for my family is what I should do. I never had any extra time to think of different avenues to supplement my income, neither do I know anything about manifestation.

Personally, I heard of the word “manifestation” but I had never experienced it because it is not something that had tickled my curiosity bone and I had never trusted it.

In order to provide my family the best life they are entitled to, I worked doubly hard and focus on my job.

I used to whine to myself that if only I have more money, I would quit this job and spend more time with my family.

But one fine day, while I was at work, my wife called me multiple times, which is unusual because she knew that I was busy with work and would usually tell me anything when I’m back home.

I find it difficult to concentrate as it gave me a really bad feeling.

 I quickly picked up the phone and to my astonishment, my eldest daughter, Natasha was on the line crying out loudly and she said: “Dad, mum met into a serious accident when she dropped me off to school. She is quite unstable now. 

Please come to the hospital right now, I’m scared.” At that moment when I heard that, my heart dropped. I could not believe what I just heard.

I quickly took the rest of the day off and rushed to the hospital. Once I arrived at the hospital, I quickly search for my daughter and asked what had happened. She told me that right after she alighted from the car and walking toward school, there was a reckless driver who was speeding so fast that he could not stop at the crossroad.

My wife was in the middle of the road and he crash onto her vehicle, causing her car to flip and turn. It all happened in a blink of an eye and many witnesses the incident.

I hugged my sobbing daughter, when suddenly the doctor came out of the emergency operating room. Our eyes met and the doctor started looking down.

I was terrified and approach to ask for answers.

The doctor said:” the surgery went well; she had some broken bones from the accident, but she will recover from it.” I was relieved to hear that but the next moment, the doctor continued:” However, I’m sorry to say this but due to the accident, she had a serious brain injury and currently she is in a coma state.

We are not sure when would she be awake, more observations are needed.” My heart sank once I hear that. My wife, Sandra, the strongest woman that I ever know was lying on the bed unconscious, right in front of me, I did not know what to do.

With that happened, I started to lose focus while working and had made many mistakes, causing the company to make losses.

I find it hard to multitask as I had to play the role of both parents while visiting my wife in the hospital. 

Three months down the road, the HR of my company approached me, and thing could not be worst.

Due to my constant mistakes at work and the multiple warnings received. The company has decided to fire me. But at that point of time, I could not survive without the job because I am the sole breadwinner with my wife still in the hospital.

I went to the nearby park and sat down, looking up to the sky and asked:” God, why are you so cruel to me. I have been working so hard all my life, why are all these unfortunate things happening to me, are you playing a trick on me?”

All of a sudden, I heard a voice behind me saying:” The reason is simple. All you need to do is manifest.”

The voice caught my attention and I turn around, I saw an elderly man walking towards me, he introduced himself as Jacob.

I know this is weird, but he felt like a confidant to me despite the fact I had never met him before. He started asking me about my problems and if I am willing to share with him.

Without second thoughts, I literally pour all my troubles and worries to him without any hesitation. I felt so calm and relaxed after sharing with him.

We carry on talking for quite some time, until he started saying:” You , if you want to have your dream come through.

Trust me. I have a great item that I could share with you. But make sure you will listen to it daily.

Only then, your wish will come true.” He then reached out to his back pocket and handed me a cloud looking USB drive and told me:” It will be really helpful for you.” Out of respect and courtesy, I took the USB, thank him for it and smile while he walked off.

I did not take his words seriously at all. When I went home the very same night, I started hunting for jobs and send in many resumes hoping to find a more flexible job so I could spend more time taking care of my wife and spending time with my kids.

As I couldn’t really concentrate well and needed some alone time. I head towards my car, turn on the engine and just sit inside.

While I was in deep thoughts, I accidentally hit onto something and it fell to the ground. I reach down and pick it up, only to realise that it is the USB that I had just received from Jacob earlier.

Without second thought, I just plug the USB into my car’s USB port, and I close my eyes. I heard a little knocked on the window and it is my son, Lesley who just gotten back home from school.

Knowing that I was a little depressed and stress, Lesley joined me silently and sit at the passenger seat to keep me accompany.

After a short while, we start hearing a slow and calm tone coming out from it. It was really soothing, and I felt at ease, so I keep my eye closed.

I must admit, the tune was so addictive that I could not stop listening to it. It was a track with a very assured voice. I followed closely to the instruction.

In my mind, I kept thinking of the job and, I thought to myself:” I really hope I could get the perfect job that I am looking for.” Not too long later, I started drifting off to slumberland and only woke up when Lesley nudged me.

I went off to bed right after and when I wake up the next day, I felt rejuvenated. It had been long since I last indulged in a good rest and I had never felt so fresh before.

I carried on hunting for a job when suddenly, I received a phone call.It was from one of the companies that I had applied for!The man on the other side of the line said:” Hi Mr Brady, We had went through your resume and found that your experience might be a good fit for our company. We would like to invite you for an interview next week.”I was so thrilled! I could not believe what I just heard, and I instantly thought of the magical tune that I just heard the night before. It got me wondering if it was because of the tune that made this happened, but I quickly brush it off my mind and prepared for the interview.

On the same night, my son, Lesley, came back home excitedly and ran to me, he said :” Dad! Dad! I have something that I want to share with you! I am finally a member of the school soccer team!

I have been trying so hard and couldn’t get into the school team but today I was being selected! Not only that! I was even made as the captain of the team!

Looking at my son, I felt so happy for him and congratulated him. Then, I remember, the night before, Lesley was the one who played the disk and he was right beside me when I followed the instruction from the audio.

​This time round, I started to believe that manifestation really do works.I decided to revisit the park that I met Jacob, hoping to seek for an answer.For the next few days, I went to the park and couldn’t get to meet Jacob till one weekend, when I went to the nearby café to grab a drink. I saw a familiar face, it was Jacob.

I quickly went towards him and stop him. “Jacob! It’s me, Norman! I’m so glad that I finally found you!” We then walk to the nearby park and started talking to him. This time round, I started thanking him for the audio track that he gave me and told him what had happened. He was like a mentor to me, I listen to every word that he speaks to me, especially when he started talking about manifestation and the law of attraction.Then he said:” You know, Jester, in a day you get to experience and gain so many different attractions when you did nothing much, imagine if you listen to the audio that I gave you daily. What more will you get?”This got me thinking and I kept quiet.

“ Many people out there, they have been trying to meditate for years but still couldn’t get what they have manifested due to the fact that they couldn’t reach the right frequency and therefore, they can’t connect with the higher powers.”

When manifestation happens, your mind is in a constant state of “thinking”. When you are in that state, it will raise the vibration to a higher level which becomes the bridge to your conscious and subconscious mind.

I asked:” Jacob, is it really ok for you to share this secret with me? I mean, I’m just someone that you didn’t know and yet you are helping me. What if I am to share this audio with others?”

Jacob smiled and replied:” Why not? Now the audio is in your hand. It is yours and you can do whatever you want with it.”

I thanked him once again and we bid goodbye. From then on, I had never seen Jacob around anymore. I tried countless time trying to look for him, but it seems like he had vanished.

I started spending my next few weeks listening to the audio daily without fail and started replicating it into disk to share it with my friends and relatives. However, I noticed that some of them could not achieve what they are looking for.I decided to look for a friend who is working as a sound engineer for help and notice that there was some technical defects when I replicate it.With that help, I finally fix the problem and hand it over to those who failed to manifest what they want. This time round, it works!

My wife’s condition started to improve and not long later she woke up from her coma state miraculously and for my new job, I got promoted and pay raised. This help me with my family financially and we are able to move to the dream house my wife had wanted long ago.From then on, I know that I have to keep sharing this wonderful gift from the universe…With that, more people could tap into the world of manifestation without making any wrong steps or wasting years to improve.

I truly believe that I have to share this amazing gift to create the life everyone deserve.

I would like to introduce you to….

A simple audio that has been altered to match everyone’s vibration for easier manifestation so everyone or anyone could completely transform themselves be it financially or physically in the simplest way possible.

Here is what you will be getting:

The Nature Oscillator included four meditation track series with 60 minute for each.  Helping you to accelerate and allowing your body to release any negative energy in you, letting yourself free.

The Four Guided Meditation Series, it also allows you to tap on to the abundance of the universe with easy steps.

It also allows you to tap on to the abundance of the universe with easy steps.

When Jacob hand the track to me and told me that I could do anything with it. Honestly, I could have simply duplicate multiple of it and sell it at sky high price but that is not what I wanted.I wanted to help and change life of many people who are like me, who hit the rock bottom and holding on to the little hope they have left.And that is the reason why I want to help you, I want you to have a copy of this upgraded version that I had created. I want you to use this wonderful item and keep it for yourself. Use it for your own because very soon, you will start to experience the abundance as you listen to Dream Manifestation.To thank you for listening to my story and stayed till now, I am really honoured that our paths crossed.

There might be many worries on your mind. Like how fast this can really work and when will you get to see the results.I can assure you it will all happen in a flash of the divine spark and it can happen immediately.Everyone experience it differently. Some experience it with a little voice in their head, guiding them the way.Some see it as pictures form or constantly seeing repetitive words which happen randomly throughout their day.The universe works in a mysterious way and you should know it best!Like how you started receiving the video to this.Things really happen in a weird way and at a way that we had never expected at all.If you start using it then it will work. Just like cause and effect.And if it doesn’t work on you, I will be more than willing to refund you your money back.I have 100% confidence in my upgraded version audio. And I believe that this will deliver massive abundance to you and your live ones.So, you are covered and there is nothing to lose.If you are ready to tap into the Dream Manifestation and begin manifesting then act now!There will not be any hidden charges to it and you can receive your product instantly.Imagine having that dream house, dream car or dream job that you are looking for. Imagine having everything that you ever wanted just with the help of the audio. It is within your reach.This can all be yours, wait no more and click on the button below now!You will be covered fully by my 60-days money back guarantee.

If, for any reason, you don’t like this amazing product, you can get a full refund anytime within 60 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they’ll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

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(1) Message From Norman l Dream Manifestation is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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