How to Disable Automatic Driver Updates on Windows 10

[ad_1] Windows drivers make sure that all your Windows features continue to run smoothly on your system. Therefore, Microsoft keeps releasing driver updates at regular intervals via Windows Updates. Most of the drivers get updated automatically thereby, ensuring that all drivers are up-to-date and you do not face any unexpected errors or crashes in future. …

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A Javascript Error occurred in the main process of Windows 10

[ad_1] While accessing the Discord application from your Windows 10 computer you may see an error message ‘A javascript error occurred in the main process’. A corruption in Discord files or the absence of specific audio services may cause this issue on your computer.  To solve this issue on your computer follow these steps accurately. …

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[ad_1] Are you seeing a stop code ‘WHEA_UNCONTROLLABLE_ERROR’ during a blue screen of death event on your computer? In an unexpected turn of events, when your computer suddenly reaches a potential data-loss situation, it shows the specified error code and crashes into BSOD.   Fix 1 – Check for updates Sometimes this problem occurs due …

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Windows Defender update failed error in Windows 10 Fix

[ad_1] Windows Defender usually receives occasional definition updates automatically on your Windows 10. As this downloading and installation process happens completely in the background, you don’t need to pay attention to it. But sometimes you may see ‘Windows Update won’t update‘ error message has appeared in the Setting menu. Follow these easy solutions to fix …

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