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“Btoom Season 2”: Will there be double ending? Check out Release date, Storyline, Character and voice artists!


If you are a battle royal game lover and anime lover, then you must watch Btoom. This is a sci-fi action anime. Based on the manga version of the same name. Junya Inoue is the man who gave birth to Btoom manga and published it on July 3 2009. After three years of manga release, it got converted into animation show. First 50 chapters were adopted for the creation of animated series Btoom.

On October 4 2012, Btoom made its way onto the screens. The anime got famous due to its Fantasy fictional story which attracted a decent amount of fans.

As this anime is based on a battle royal theme, a game with the same name was released in 2017 in Japan. After the unexpected end of season 1. Fans are waiting eagerly for the second sequel.

Release Date: Btoom season 2

The first season of Btoom adopted 50 chapters from the manga series. After that, as no new chapter was released, there was no option left, but to wait for new chapters. Now currently the manga series has 23 volumes having 109 chapters. That clearly shows anime creators have enough episodes to create the second season.

Some reports say the first season of Btoom didn’t go very well in the market. Therefore creators are hesitating a bit to create a second sequel. That’s one of the reasons no active announcements has been made from Madhouse Studios. To verify that release of the second sequel is going to be successful or not. Btoom’s executive producer,  Masato Hayashi, said. If game Btoom ranks top 5 in Japan App Store market, then the possibility of the second season may increase.

The thing which makes this anime most interesting is it’s vast sub storyline in which we get to see different themes like love, ,friendship and childhood trauma impact on a person’s life. Although this anime may seem to be very violent and straightforward it has a little psychological genre too.

But till now no new announcements have been made for season 2. There are the majority of the chances that the second season will release but confirmed date had not been announced yet.

In future, if any updates are seen to be made, we’ll update then wisely, so till then stay tuned with us.

Storyline: Btoom, will there be double ending

The story revolves around a 22-year-old man named Ryota Sakamoto. Ryota is an unemployed man who depends on his mother for everything. However, he is not very good in professional life. But in gaming world, he is one of the best players.  In an online battle royal game Btoom, he is #10 all around the world.

One day, somehow he wakes up on an island without having any clue how he got there. While inspecting his surroundings, Ryota finds a green crystal embedded in his hand. That makes the thought of Ryota clear that someone trapped him inside real-life version of Btoom.

He lights up hope and continues to explore the island. While exploring he meets a stranger, without any second thought, the stranger throws a grenade at Ryota. At first, Ryota refuses violence, but later on, he understands the only rule of the game, which is to kill or get killed. As moving on in the game, Ryota  meets his in-game wife, Himiko. They both form an alliance and fight against other seven contestants in order to get out of this game.

In the manga, we get to see two different endings. Both happy and Darker endings are available it’s up-to reader which ending he wants to go with. Same way fans are expecting season 2 with dual endings to be shown on television.

Characters : Btoom


One of the two main characters in the show, a 22 years old unemployed man. Despite being dependent on his mom for everything,  Ryota is one of the best Btoom  players in the world with #10 ranking all around the world and #1 in Japan. One day he wakes up in the recreated version of the game in real life. He had to go through every challenge in front of him, in order to survive. It was his mother who selected Ryota for the participant in the game because of his negative attitude towards her and his step-dad.


The second main character of the show, Himiko is a 15-year-old girl who is thrown into real-life recreation of Btoom. During her high school, she befriended a popular boy named Yoshoika and his band. Yoshoika took Himiko and her friends  to his apartment. Where he tried to drug and rape Himiko and her friends, but somehow Himiko managed to run away. It was one of the Himiko’s friends who elected her for real-life Btoom because she exposed Yoshoika and his band to police.

Nobutaka Oda-

A side character, 22 years Nobutaka is very aggressive and dangerous Btoom players in the world. He’s mysteriously nominated for real-life Btoom.

Kiyoshi Taira-

A middle-aged man who is a little overweight. Kiyoshi’s nature is very cheerful and optimistic. Kiyoshi joins the alliance of Ryota and Himiko, but eventually, he betrays them. He is died due to suicide he commits in the game.

Kosuke Kira-

A 14-year-old child who is a very sadistic boy. He is known for his cruel nature against his opponents, and random animals on the island. Kosuke got his cruel nature from his abusive father. He is also a victim of domestic and sexual abuse.

Masahito Date

Another senior citizen-elected in the game, Masahito is a doctor by profession and very professional in his skills. However, he is very friendly in nature but is a cunning fox from inside who can betray anyone for his survival.

Voice artists

  • Ryota –  Tyler Galindo
  • Himiko –  Britney Karbowski
  • Nobutaka Oda –   Crash Buist
  • Kiyoshi Taira –  Andrew Love
  • Kosuke Kira  – Chelsea McCurdy
  • Masahito Date  –  David Matranga

English Dubbed

If you are interested in the show and wanna watch it, then you can find it on Crunchyroll. Unfortunately, English dubbing had not been done for this show. You can watch it with English subtitles.


I know you liked the storyline so I’m, gonna drop trailer here so you can watch without searching anywhere.

The post “Btoom Season 2”: Will there be double ending? Check out Release date, Storyline, Character and voice artists! appeared first on Next Alerts.



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