Drupe App: Connecting the Communication Apps

[ad_1] Imagine, on a normal day of work when you have to make a quick work call on the phone. You also need to WhatsApp your friends about the night out plans and you also need to message an acquaintance for a birthday. You would first have to make a call on the phone dialer …

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Fire Emblem Heroes. The best role-playing game from Nintendo

[ad_1] Nintendo has published its very first real android game. It comes from a long heritage of RPGs (Role-play games) which have been fan favourites for years and has a dedicated following. Fire Emblem Heroes is the first Fire Emblem mobile game in a long-running and greatly respected turn-based strategy series from renowned studio Intelligent …

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An app to monitor your Heart and Pulse health

[ad_1] Human Body is like a machine, with its complete set of inputs, output and the functionalities it performs. Human Heart is the central engine of this machine that initiates and sees it through healthy as well as unhealthy times. It is thus, more than necessary to keep track of the human heart and its …

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Fun app with romantic ideas for couples

[ad_1] Kindu, a romantic app for couples has identified and addressed a great problem which many couples experience. Love is like a lamp which has to be refuelled regularly. But due to several reasons, the flame of that lamp starts to shimmer after a while. Kindu for couples has figured out a brilliant way to …

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Live the Viking life in this RPG

[ad_1] The Banner Saga is a role-playing game which will take you on a strenuous journey of a lost Viking world. The game was created by Stoic Studio and published by Versus Evil is first in the series of many games. This fantasy tactical RPG was first launched for PCs and mobile phones and later …

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An old adventure with a new look

[ad_1] In a life and lifestyle full of stress, Mobile Games and their Intricate worlds seem to attract millennials no end. They tend to enter these worlds as a character they may like and become a part of it; sometimes even forgetting the issues they may be facing in real life. For some it might …

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Sync all contacts and take control.

[ad_1] Contacts are important for everyone today and managing contacts efficiently has become important. But due to several reasons, like many communication platforms, multiple accounts and constant change of devices in use, sometimes it gets overwhelming to manage these contacts. As a result, some contacts get missed and some are never used. Contacts+ gives a …

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Protonmail App: The secured email app

[ad_1] In this digital world where everything from society, life essentials, doctors, businesses are online; everyone is on a lookout for data that they could leverage for their own good. As a result, the common email user with Gmail, Yahoo accounts, etc. is always susceptible to data thefts and breach issues. All the commonly used …

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