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SSH Account: SSH or Secure Shell is a cryptographic network protocol for secure data communication from virus threats. By using SSH we can surf freely in the internet world such as downloading applications that are outside your country, opening sites that are exposed to positive / blocked internet, and can also be a stimulus to speed up your internet speed. Even with SSH, you can surf for free by utilizing bugs/gaps from cellular operators.

Most of you to get SSH is by buying to sellers or searching blogs that share SSH accounts. Actually you can create your own SSH account easily, even easier than creating a Youtube, Facebook or Gmail account, but many people don’t know how to create one. Here’s how to create your own SSH account easily and effectively.
How to create the Latest Free SSH account
Before creating an SSH account, there are things you need to remember that when you have created an SSH account there will usually be a time period or an active period.
In general, the active period is valid starting from a week, 2 weeks, until a month. Is there a difference when using a period of a week to a month? Obviously there is, the most visible is the speed. One week will be faster than a month.
Create a free SSH Account with JetSSH
1) Open the site, scroll down until the form appears as shown below. Here AyGek will choose the Continent America server.
2) Here there will be offers from several country servers on the American continent. There are two countries, namely the United States or Canada. You can choose which one, but AyGek will choose the United States or the United States.
3) Continue with confirmation of choosing United States SSH Server
4) Here AyGek will create an SSH account username and password. The advantage here is you don’t need to log in with your Gmail account for now. For example, aymanis geek username and password are free. When finished, click Create Account.
5) This is the data from SSH that you will use later. The active period or period is valid for 1 week. After finished creating a new account again.
6) You can use the SSH account on the SSH Bitvise Client on a PC or the Http Injector application on Android. Before that see the date of manufacture and expiration.
It is recommended to choose a Singapore Server that is on the ASIA list because internet speed is also affected by choosing the most stable server and server that is Singapore Server. However, only a few accounts per server are created each day. Don’t worry, the server will reset the account at 00.00 AM, so you can still create it if the quota has not been met.
8 The site creates a Free SSH Premium account
That’s the way to create a free and premium SSH account. For those who want to improve internet capabilities or try free internet using SSH, please try the tutorial. We have given 8 websites to create a free premium SSH account.