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According to Statcounter, Bing search has a market share of 2.75%, which seems minuscule when we compare it with Google which has a market share of 91%.
However, as a webmaster, if a minor effort helps in driving more organic traffic from the other search engines, it is worth the effort.
The fastest and easiest way to get started with Bing search is by adding your website to Bing webmaster tool. The webmaster tool dashboard helps you in getting your website on Bing search, but also provides invaluable data for optimizing your website for Bing search.
Bing URL Submissions WordPress plugin is the latest addition by Bing webmaster team to help WordPress users to improve their visibility in Bing search. This plugin does a lot of things, and the most notable one is, it helps you in faster indexing in the Bing search engine.
Before using this plugin, I tested if all my URL’s are indexed in Bing search, and to my surprise, I found some URL’s were not indexed.
You can use site search parameter like site:URL to check if a URL is indexed in Bing search or not.
This gives more reasons to use Bing URL submission WordPress plugin. According to Bing webmaster blog, here are some of the features of this new plugin:
Since last year, webmasters have the ability to submit up to 10,000 URLs per day, and more if requested, through the Bing Webmaster Tools portal as well as the Bing Webmaster Tools API for immediate crawl and indexation.
To improve the crawling and indexing of my newest articles on Bing search, I installed and configured the plugin. If you are also noticing indexing issues or in a news related niche where faster indexing makes a difference, you should also be using the Bing URL submission WordPress plugin.
Here is how to configure the plugin…
Once you have added the API key to Bing WordPress plugin settings, you will see a dashboard like this:
In most of the cases, Bing automatically picks your article for indexation via sitemap (If you have submitted your website via Bing webmaster tool), and do manual submission for the selected unindexed article.
IMO this plugin is useful when your WordPress website is facing crawling and indexing issue in Bing search engine. Else, you are better off without this plugin.
The best thing to do is, ensure your recent articles are indexed in Bing search engine, else you can also “Submit URL” feature of Bing webmaster tool dashboard:
Over all, this is a nice extension to have when needed for submitting URL manually for Bing search indexation. I’m happy to see that Bing is catching up with Google in terms of offering more tools, and resources for webmasters to improve website visibility in Bing.
Now its your turn to do a few things:
Do let me know if your recent articles are indexed in Bing search or not. If not, what actions have you taken to improve the crawling and indexing of your website?
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