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all right what is up guys welcome back to another exciting post in today’s post we are gonna be talking about how to earn two hundred and sixty dollars per week just by searching Google and I know right now that might sound hard to believe but I’m actually gonna prove to you that not only is it possible but there’s actually thousands of people from all around the world yes this does work worldwide where people are earning thirteen to fifteen dollars or more just to search on Google if you subscribe to the channel then you know I’m all about finding the best most creative most newest interesting ways to make money on the internet but even by YouTube’s standards this strategy is pretty awesome and first and foremost I do want to give a big shout out to all of you beautiful people out there who are subscribers of the channel or if you’re new here then welcome to the strongest family on YouTube make sure you do me two quick favors tap on a little like button until it turns blue and make sure you subscribe and join the bail squad so that you stay up to date on all of the best ways on how to make money online so in today’s video we’re gonna be talking about something called a search engine evaluator now what a search engine evaluator basically does is they.
evaluate search engines but for all of us who actually use Google search and Bing nor Yahoo if you really don’t know anything about Google there’s all these people millions and millions of people every single day search things on search engines and those results actually have to be interpreted by robots and
algorithms and all these complicated pieces of code that Google has made billions of dollars creating but it’s actually not possible for code to evaluate every single possible search that seven plus billion people are putting into Google millions of times per hour and that is when you come in because as a human being you actually have an incredibly complicated brain and you’re able to interpret things that machine’s machine learnings and.
algorithms are not and because you’re able to do that that actually helps improve Google search which is why companies like Google and other large search engine providers are actually willing to pay for human beings such as yourself to actually evaluate search results that machines and algorithms and code cannot and because you do this that actually in turns improves Google and then Google makes more money which is why Google is willing to act
pay a search engine evaluators to do these tasks on their behalf now if you stick around until the end of the video I’m also going to be revealing a brand new way to actually make a significant amount of money per hour doing something very similar except not on search engines but actually on social media so if you’re like me and you browse.
Instagram probably a little bit too much and stick around until the end of this video because I’m gonna be showing you guys a second way that you can actually earn even more doing something very similar so there’s a ton of different websites out there that actually allow you to apply to be a search engine evaluator you can go on zip recruiter you can go on indeed but we’re gonna focus on a few websites that actually specialize just in search engine.
evaluation services who partner with the search engine giants such as Google to actually hire people just like you from anywhere in the world to make money online just by evaluating simple Google results and while there’s a lot of different services out there like Raider labs LEEP force Apple Lion bridge icesoft stone we’re gonna be mainly talking about just a few of them but the cool thing is you can actually apply to work at multiple different of these services to actually maximize the chances and how much money you can make by doing these simple tasks now the site that we’re gonna be focusing on today is actually called apon who recently acquired one of the other large search engine evaluator services leap force but an honorable mention is lion bridge as there are a lot of different services out there obviously can’t show videos about all of them just in this one place but that’s not taking away from the other services just today we’re gonna be focusing on appen so you can see if you actually go to a ping com slash jobs that there’s a lot of different.
opportunities out there there’s project there’s micro tasks there’s surveys and data collection and by the way we’ll actually mention even a third
opportunity where you can make money later on in this video where you can actually make up to $30 an hour or more now does this take a little bit more experience of course but you can work your way up to that right starting out at 12 to $15 per hour and then as you actually start to accumulate more skills then of course you can earn more for that skill if you accumulate it so you can see if you actually click projects here that they have a lot of different work from home opportunities for people you can see right here from all around the world.
and you can see the purpose of this video right here a search media
evaluation work with the world’s top search engine companies essentially to evaluate the results now as a search engine evaluator essentially what you’re going to be doing is you are going to be evaluating this search engine results for specific queries now what I mean by that is you might type something in like Dallas restaurant now if you type Dallas restaurant obviously you’re probably looking for a restaurant in Dallas but sometimes search engine results are strange right they’re synonyms are the same words or somebody typed something in and they see something that’s not at all relevant to what they specifically were looking for that is ultimately what the search engine companies are paying you to uncover those types of strange words or queries that don’t actually produce ultra relevant results for the person who entered it but the cool thing is even if you’re only working 20 hours a week and even if you’re making on the low end of what you can see that google says you earn right here at per hour to actually be a search engine evaluator which is 13 to 15 dollars an hour that means that you can earn up to two hundred and sixty dollars a week or more at the low end of what Google actually estimates you’re gonna make doing this just to you know evaluate basic search results but if only 20 hours a week sounds like less than you actually want to put in if you’re really trying to save money and invest into a long-term business model like e-commerce or social media marketing or something that you can really scale but that takes a little bit of money to actually get started then like I said at the beginning of the video we do actually have another opportunity that I want to tell you about where you can actually earn more than two hundred and sixty dollars per week by adding an extra 10 or 20 hours to your actual work schedule but before we actually do talk about that if you guys are enjoying this video make sure you tap the like button and make sure you subscribe and join the bail squad it really does mean a lot every single one of you guys that do actually choose to subscribe and leave a comment down below that says make money online and if we can get 500 people to actually comment make money online on this video then on our next video will actually release a brand new completely free way to make money online that you’ve never seen before so the other job that I was talking about the beginning of this video is actually called a social media valuator now it’s very similar to a search engine but you guessed it you actually will be evaluating the accuracy and relevancy of ads on social media because think about it like this.

Facebook wants to actually give you as relevant as possible of ads of things that you’re interested in to make your user experience as good as it can possibly be that means that they need people as well as algorithms and codes and machine learning to evaluate whether or not the ads that they’re showing you are as relevant as possible to what you’re actually.
interested in and so what you do is you come in and you actually will evaluate the relevancy and accuracy of ads on social media to try to make the user experience as good as possible for all of Facebook and all the other big social media providers users as you possibly can so if you’re a regular social media user and you’re using social media for more than an hour a day like 90% of people in the United States and probably around the world already are heck you’re probably on Instagram right now but imagine if you could actually get paid to Google search all those cat videos you do anyways for free and to browse on Instagram like we all do for free anyway and if you’re still hungry for even another opportunity and you want to stack these and be a search engine evaluator a social media evaluator and you’re even looking for a potential third option there actually .
potential third option called a data collector now what a data collector does is a variety of different things again related to machine learning improving machine learning related to audio transcription services and many other things and the cool thing about a data collector is as you start to get more experience and remember everyone starts from zero
according to class door you can actually make up to $30 or more simply by doing basic data collection activity so if you’re looking to make money online and work from home then Appin and other related services search engine.
evaluators social media evaluators and data collectors could be the perfect opportunity for you and if you like videos like this make sure you check out my other channel called more Kevin David linked down in the description because we actually go live three times a week and bring on experts from all around the world to talk about the best ways to make money on the internet and we give that all to you guys for free and so if you’re interested.
and making money online and learning more about all of this make sure you subscribe to my other channel more Kevin David down below in the description and if you like podcasts we actually just cracked at the top 25 in the world for our podcasts the Kevin David experience so you can actually subscribe to our brand new youtube channel for our podcast called the Kevin David
experience down below make sure you subscribe to both of them and if you want a brand new playlist of more videos just like this that teach you how to make money online and how to actually work from home and be financially and time free and stick around because we have a brand new playlist coming to you live in at three two one see you there click it come on click it do it click the playlist ok you don’t have to but I promise you’ll like it click the
playlist see you soon booze.