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If you are planning to start your family then you definitely need to make changes in your lifestyle and start taking responsibility. A baby can change your whole life and you may ensure that you have taken care of every possible thing but there is something that you can miss out on no matter what.
You as a new parent tend to come up with questions that have no solutions sometimes and you are more considerate about your healthcare then you ever were. Well, your questions now have an answer and they are as easy as downloading these mobile applications that can help you plan ahead and know that your baby is healthy.
Top Pregnancy Apps To Ease All Your Worries
Here is a list curated for you that will answer all your questions regarding you and your baby’s health while suggesting tips and tricks to calm your stress down.
1. HiMommy
HiMommy prepares you for the future of your baby and publishes articles for different stages of your pregnancy from the baby’s perspective to create a different connection. With simple UI and interesting graphics, you can know about your due date and bodily changes to avoid stress.
Notable features of HiMommy the best pregnancy app:
- Receive notifications on a determined time about new articles;
- Get information about every week of your pregnancy phase;
- Know about the length and weight of your baby till your delivery;
- Update yourself with all the important things you might need after the baby birth.
Download this free pregnancy tracker on Android and iOS
2. Full Term- Contraction Timer
This mobile application is one of a kind and keeps tracks of all your contractions with durations. You don’t need to immediately open the app to note them down, you can send your contraction details to a healthcare expert via email and they will add it on the app for you.
Notable features of Full Term free baby tracker app:
- Note, edit or delete each contraction by specifying intensity;
- Add the number of times your baby kicked inside your belly;
- Built-in graphs to monitor your labor progress;
- Track your weight throughout your pregnancy while adding notes.
Download the best baby kick counter app on Android or iOS
3. Baby2Body
Baby2Body takes good care of you by posting personalized workout sessions to help your stay fit and calm your mind with beneficial yoga exercises. You can also see recipes and information about what you can eat during your pregnancy that will not harm the baby and you.
Notable features of Baby2Body top-rated pregnancy app:
- A timeline to track your week and other milestones that you have achieved;
- Receive baby’s tip according to your week of pregnancy;
- Different pelvic floor exercises for smooth contractions;
- Track all your exercises and water intake habits.
Download this best pregnancy app for iPhone on iOS
4. Mind the Bump
This app is a meditation tool to create mindfulness and acceptance for every emotion that you are feeling. Mind the Bump is carefully written by psychologists and psychiatrists that can benefit and enrich you in many ways while building a strong connection with your baby.
Notable features of Mind the Bump, a peaceful meditation app:
- Increase your attention span with different programs;
- Read motivation quotes to keep your spirits up;
- Can be used by couples, single parents or same-sex couples;
- Meditate daily and clear stages to attain peace.
Download this best pregnancy app for Android and iOS
5. Pregnancy +
This application is highly customizable and anyone from your family can use it to see the growth of the baby. Pregnancy + follows all your pregnancy week by week and takes daily information. It records every contraction, kicks and so forth to let you know about your baby’s health.
Notable features of Pregnancy + best pregnancy tracker app
- Know the size of the baby by comparing it with any object;
- Works as a personal diary for you where you can write your anxious feelings;
- Maintains a weight log to see if you are healthy;
- Choose from thousands of names for your baby.
Download best free pregnancy app for Android and iOS
6. Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker
The app is best for people who are trying to conceive and want to know their fertile days. By using proprietary algorithms based on cutting-edge fertility research, the app traces your ovulation days and keep a track of your overall health as well.
Notable features of Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker app:
- Know your best days to conceive with fertility score;
- Track your fertility data in personalized app calendar;
- Know about reproductive health by reading verifies articles;
- Join the community of women and ask questions anonymously.
Download best period and ovulation tracker app for Android and iOS
7. WebMD Pregnancy
This application is wholesome for parents who are expecting to have a baby soon as it serves answers to all your questions by approved doctors. You can have access to a variety of articles that will help you to embark on a life-changing journey.
Notable features of WebMD Pregnancy tracker app:
- Track your blood pressure, weight, etc with symptom tracker;
- Join the community of moms to support and inform each other;
- You can make notes, add reminders and create custom lists;
- Carefully curated questions that you can ask your doctors.
Download the best free pregnancy apps on iOS
8. Hello Belly
Hello Belly is an adorable app that you will enjoy with every use. The graphics used in this app can steal your heart. The app post fun articles that you can read in one go with less medical information that confuses you and ensures practical solutions to your problems.
Notable features of Hello Belly free pregnancy tracker app:
- Beautiful 3D and AR visualization of the baby in the mother’s womb;
- Written tips from top experts so that you don’t consider false information;
- Yoga classes that you can easily follow;
- Different meditations for trimesters with guides on what to eat and what not to.
Download good pregnancy apps from Android or iOS
9. Glow Period, Fertility Tracker
Glow period is a personalized period tracker that notes down every small detail of your daily activity. Your mood can play a major part in your reproductive health which you can easily take care of with this app.
Notable features of Glow Period, Fertility Tracker app:
- Track health signals and maintain it accordingly;
- Get everything analyzed and create your personal charts;
- The app records your patterns and tells you your ovulation dates;
- Search from a huge library of articles and know about fertility.
Download period pregnancy tracker for Android and iOS
10. Pregnancy and Baby Tracker
Owned by a trusted pregnancy brand, “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” Pregnancy and Baby Tracker app guides you throughout your journey. You can enter the due date of your baby and start tracking his/her growth every day. Once your baby arrives, the app will guide you through other things that you should take care of.
Notable features of Pregnancy and Baby Tracker app:
- Search for questions and get verifies answers from experts;
- Over 15,000+ articles from preconception to toddler years;
- Personal stories from real parents that can help you in your journey;
- Groups devoted to different locations, interests, styles, etc.
Download pregnancy tracker online from Android or iOS
11. Pregnancy App
It is a simple app to use which you can easily glide through and get information about you and your baby’s health. Know baby size by week and compare it with fruits like apple, avocado, etc. You can know your total gain and see if you are moving at a healthy pace.
Notable features of the Pregnancy app:
- Add dates to calendars and receive reminders;
- Track chart of your growth and see if it is in a positive direction;
- Know about different symptoms in all you trimesters;
- Know the dimension of your baby and what position the baby can be.
Download this pregnancy tracker app for Android and iOS
12. Sprout Pregnancy
This app is essential and highly recommended by expecting families worldwide. For people who want to educate themselves on how to react to new bodily changes and anxiousness, you can easily rely on this app as it sways away all your worry.
Notable features of Sprout Pregnancy tracker app:
- Watch the development of your baby on a weekly basis;
- Know interesting facts about your baby;
- See your baby in 3D and enjoy looking at him/her;
- Maintain your pregnancy journal and print it whenever you want to.
Download pregnancy tracker apps for Android and iOS
13. Flo Period Tracker & Ovulation
This app accurately tracks your ovulation period while recording your moods. Check whether you are regular on your periods and see predictions with the built-in diary provided by the app.
Notable features of Flo Period Tracker & Ovulation app:
- Analyze your current and past menstrual cycles;
- Add your weight, water intake and more for better predictions;
- Get reminders about your ovulation date and fertility;
- See your cycle history in the form of graphs.
Download best free ovulation app for Android and iOS
14. Clue Period & Cycle Tracker
With this fertility and menstrual tracker, you can keep a check on your own health and see the irregularities. With a clean interface, you don’t need to search for anything in the app as it is easily accessible.
Notable features of Clue Period & Cycle Tracker app:
- Get predictions for your upcoming cycles;
- Log down your mood, symptoms and much more;
- Health tips for a maintained menstrual cycle;
- Get forecasts of fertility, cramps and more.
Download pregnancy predictor app for Android and iOS
15. Ovia Pregnancy Tracker
Organize everything about your pregnancy in one place and customize your own calendar. Take pictures of your bump and create a book out of it to cherish it forever. You can also compare the size of your baby with fun animals, pastries, fruits, and whatnot.
Notable features of Ovia Pregnancy Tracker app:
- See the size of your baby’s feet and hand virtually;
- See realistic illustrations of the baby and zoom in to get a closer look;
- Read essential tips and articles and get the right information;
- Join the mom community and support each other by sharing stories.
Download pregnancy weight tracker for Android and iOS
Start Planning Ahead
Motherhood is a beautiful feeling. However, women who are planning to conceive are often skeptical about the body changes which makes them stressed, anxious and insecure about their own body. Therefore, these mobile applications will help you gain a better understanding of your body and give you peace.
Notice every little change that your body is going through and know if you are ready to conceive while focusing on your mental health and for women who are expecting to have a baby soon can record every step your baby is making inside and know if your baby is healthy. Read our detailed app reviews to know more about different mobile applications.

Vikram is an experienced wunderkind, who embraced technology at a very early age, and today he is at the helm of it. Mobile apps are something that excites him the most, and now he is up to give this vertical the best shot. He routinely catches up with the new apps and comes up with the top apps that can excite you to the core.