How to Enable Chrome Reader Mode 2020

One of the most annoying aspects of surfing the Internet these days is the constant stream of advertisements that appear in different formats as you try to see the actual content of the site. Fortunately, Google Chrome offers a hidden reading mode that allows you to access the text version of a website without seeing the ads or pop-ups that accompany it.

Enable Reader Mode from Chrome Settings

The function is available behind a flag in Chrome and is based on Dom Distiller, which simplifies pages in Chrome on Android.

The Chrome reading mode has developed very well over time. A special icon appears in the address bar when a page supports playback mode. Users can use the address bar icon to activate the function. The content is then displayed with less white space.

With Chrome, we can now enable or disable the “Reader Mode for web Pages” in the browser’s appearance settings.

Once you have activated the read mode, you will see the toggle button on the right side of the address bar when you open a page with an article. Simply click on it to activate the read mode. Here’s what the page looks like when you activate Read mode.

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of Chrome 85 Canary
  • Visit chrome://flags/#enable player mode
  • Select “Enabled available in settings”.
  • Restart the browser.

After restarting Chrome, go to Settings > Appearance > Enable “Web Page Reading Mode”.


Hidden reading mode is a good way to get around the persistence of so many websites that you have to deal with dozens of ads just to read an article or watch a single video. Like all flags, the hidden player feature is not yet completely bug-free, but it works well enough to be used on most types of websites.